Donate Now!

Help us meet our goal for year-end!

We need your help!  We're raising money so we can continue to meet the needs of our clients, whether in-person or with home-visits, in our goal of healing the mind, body, and spirit.  Our campaign is to raise $10,000. The recently purchased vehicle was hit by a deer which caused extensive damage. The picture doesn't emphasize the amount of damage well.  The passenger door cannot be used and the alignment is off.

With your help, The Healing Tree Circle can reach this goal and continue the work we’ve set out to do!

Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference!

We are also looking for a grant writer that is not only experienced but works in our field of healing modalities to strive for an operating funds grant. We have been very grateful that volunteers have offered their expertise in website development, marketing, social media updates, video recordings, and much more over the last few years. We also want to continue to have our brick & mortar location in Greensboro with the hopes of further expansion (with the end result of a retreat center!)

DONATIONS can be made through PayPal QR code to right OR Venmo QR Code below in "blue" by clicking on code or use your phone camera!



We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization that focuses on holistic healing modalities.  Your donation will continue to help us grow in the community to serve locally and nationwide through the technology of our platforms.  All donations are greatly appreciated!

Being a 501(c)(3) organization, your donations are 100% tax-deductible.

NEW - PAYPAL Donations! 

You can also donate through our non-profit PayPal account that can provide you a receipt for your donation - we thank YOU: